
Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Interjk : Mike az LPU chat-en,mindenflrl (angol)

Mike az LPU chat-en,mindenflrl (angol)

  2005.01.07. 09:10

Mike az LPU chat-en,mindenflrl (angol)

Joins: mikeLP

ChanMode: Slice sets mode +o mikeLP

@mikeLP hi

@raTed i love you mike !

@Slice hey guys .. Mike is here.

@mikeLP oh boy

@Foenix Jason wants your babies, Mike...

@Hannah Ok start time and hush ops ;)

@raTed welcome to chat mikle

@VanWilder Heya Mike


@Toria Jason = raTed by the way

@Slice MikeLP = Mike Shinoda

@michie131 okay let's start this

@Hannah ok

@michie131 Hannah, voice number 1 and 2

@mikeLP i have an old version of snak, so sorry for all delays

+NandyLPU Hey Mike, im from brazil... so, my question is: are u planning

to have a project (like Collision Course) with any brazilian? btw did you

guys liked brazil??

@mikeLP first question: free time...i usually work on music in my studio,

paint, play xbox, go to the park with my wife and dog.

@mikeLP 2nd ?

@Hannah Remember have them ready !

@mikeLP brazil person--we loved brazil, although we didn't get much of a

chance to look around. the beaches were amazing, though.

@mikeLP everyone is timing out, as usual

@Foenix I didn't do it...

@VanWilder Wh happened to the limit

@mikeLP this happens every time

@raTed it should calm a bit soon mike

@raTed sorry about this

@michie131 Hey guys...we are still going on with voicing so please look

out for your VOICE

@mikeLP we can wait a minute for things to calm down...

@raTed good call

@raTed hannah

+PK Hi Mike not related to CC - can you pat your head and rub your stomach

at the same time? Oh and you = supa hot!! <b>/teenie</b> :-P

@Hannah hmmm

@raTed give mike a minute to answer these few qustions

@raTed while the chat spazzes out

@VanWilder Maybe they can't look out for their voice cause they're the

ones getting timed out

@mikeLP hmm. there's so much going on, i may have missed the question. was

there one pending, or are we waiting for things to mellow out?

@mikeLP ha. that's the question. the answer is yes.

@michie131 and make sure they are related to Collision Course!

@Hannah k

@michie131 Hey guys...i know it's a bit confusing right now but try to

focus so you can see if you are being voiced

+acynthia As you're getting more into producing (like with Collision

Course) do you think you'll produce more of LP's albums, instead of going to

other producers, like Don Gilmore? And do you think producing your own

albums will give you more freedom creatively?

@mikeLP HEY LISTEN: please stop PMing me, you guys are missing your turns

to ask a question. I'm only going to answer things here in the main forum


@Hannah Mike tell jason or vanwilder who is PMing you.

@Hannah Kyle jason kill them off if they do

+Bia_BR Hi Mike my name is Bianca,i m from Brazil i m a big fan of

LP.How was to record with Jay-Z?

@VanWilder Yes maam

@mikeLP the project with Jay-Z (Collision Course) was great. we had a lot

of fun, and i know you can see and hear it on the CD/DVD

@mikeLP it's the most fun LP album to date, for sure

+bruhh What's up.. My name is Bruna and I want to know how can we have any

contact with you about the art stuff 'cause we draw like your style and we

want to participate. Please join www.fotolog.net/missguela and if you liked

the drawing please make contact. Do you agree?

+Chris Mike, why is it that in a LPU chat you said that LP have no future

plans of touring canada? And also, why is it that when you guys do a "North

American" tour, you only tour USA and one maybe two canadian cities at max?

I can name off atleast 6 or 7 that you'd be able to play in.

@mikeLP thanks.

+CLaRiS_Lo Hey Mike, i'm from Singapore, is there anything out of the

ordinary in Collision Course that redefines LP?

@mikeLP bruhh--we're all set on our art stuff, but keep up the hard work.


+hitnRun hey mike hows it going?... Its suzie here with a shout out from

me and the rest of the lpst, the songs that I've heard off collision course

so far are off the hook....So was the work between you and jayz something

you've always wanted to do? I'm a gamer so I had to ask, what do you think

of Halo2 and have u been gettin time to play it? thanks for everythin, tc n


@mikeLP chris - that's not true. we have no plans immediately, meaning in

the next few months. we also have no plans of touring ANYWHERE in the next

few months. we're at home working on other things--we have a book coming out

in the beginning of December called FROM THE INSIDE. it's a photo book that

shows a lot of the things that have gone on with us during the Meteora album

cycle. very personal book.

+Janice hi mike,i'm janice here from malaysia...my question is:y didnt u

choose eminem or any other rapper for the collision course album?btw...pls

come to malaysia during the next tour!u guys rock

+h00ba hey mike whats up? how was working with Jay-z different than

working with any other artist you have collaborated with before? also do you

like The O.C.? thanks for everything <3 ya Erin from Toronto, Ontario,

Canada haha ps I LOVE YOU TOR

@mikeLP CLaRiS_Lo - The whole collision course CD/DVD is very different

for us. we're not making any money on it, really...it's just for fun, and to

put something different out there for you guys.

+Janneke This is from punkerchick16 and myself: Mike, what's going on? I

really enjoyed the LP/Jay-Z Mash up. It was very well done. Gold Stars for

all you guys! Well anyway, Are you happy with what you have done, or would

you go back and change anything?

@mikeLP hitnRun - I have been a fan of Jay's since day one. I quoted his

"Brooklyn's Finest" on the first lines of "Nobody's Listening." -- and i'm

killing fools on Halo 2!!!!

@mikeLP Janice - Jay chose us. MTV went to him with the basic idea, and he

said he wanted to do it with LP. we took it from there and made it much more

complicated (and interesting, i think!)--they wanted to do two songs live,

that's it. we did a four-day experience with six songs, and a live show

+Lexa Hi Mike! I'm Stacey, I wanted to know if the Collision Course CD was

hard to make? My friend Steph is having a school program tongiht and

couldn't make it to chat and it would mean the world to her if you wished

her luck. I also wanted to say hello for my cousin Ciara. Thanks for taking

the time to come here. Have a great thanksgiving.

@mikeLP hOOba - Jay is a very different kind of artist--very professional

and a lot of fun. he's hilarious...his laugh is so contagious. we were

swapping stories about touring, and brad and i couldn't stop laughing,

because Jay has come up though so much adversity and still has a great sense

of humor about it

@mikeLP i don't watch the OC, but brad says it's good...

+Liz What was the best part in working with Jay-z ? And hey from Finland

again. Came to see you guys this summer to PR and you were absolutely

brilliant! I'm the girl who gave you the petition at the m & g (august 10th,

on the behalf of lplab.net)

@mikeLP Janneke - thank you for the kind words. i liked it, as far as a

mash-up goes. i guess i wouldn't change anything. as far as what i want to

do differently, nothing; but it gave me a lot of ideas of how to do some new

and different types of projects in the future. i'm working with a group

called "Styles of Beyond" right now in the studio. they're friends of mine.

I also just did a track for Chali 2na (of Jurassic 5); he;s

+LPchicLP Hello Mike, before I ask my question I want to say that Linkin

Park rocks and for me you guyz will always be on top. Ok my question is are

there any artists you guyz would really like to work with in the future??!!

@mikeLP Lexa - CC was hard to make. most people won't realize it, because

it sounds like it all fits together naturally, but that's the point---to

make it look easy. the transitions between parts, and the way the songs fit

together--that was extremely hard to do.

@mikeLP good luck to steph

+LProckS67 first of all I just want to say you guys are amazing and I love

you and wondered how it was working with JZ and if we can expect another LP

album anytime or a tour that includes atlanta lol? btw you guys have had

such an impact on my life i love u guys ur music has helped me through a lot

and how do you guys like Atlanta

@mikeLP Liz - jay is totally professional and unassuming. no ego in the

studio with me. very creative.

@mikeLP thanks for coming to the M&G hope you enjoyed it

+LpzGurl Hey mike! My name is Ashley and i'm here with my best friend

karolina we are dedicated lpu-ers and we love your music more than anything!

Anyway my question is.. how did this whole project come about?

@mikeLP LPchicLP - thanks you for the nice things you said. i just did a

remix for depeche mode that some people have heard. that's one group i

admire a lot. as i mentioned, i am currently in the studio with some friends

called styles of beyond...they're great to work with. they're a rap group,

and we're doing some tracks together. this guy ryu is pretty brilliant--his

lyrics are hilarious

+Master-X hi mike i work to myself and i want a playstation2 for only 1

game but my mom told me that i need to don't wate my money in that things

..what i have to do??

@mikeLP LProckS67 - thanks. The project with Jay is coming out on the 30

of this month, and we've got out book coming out rright after that...so

we've been pretty busy. actually, as far as another LP album, it may take a

while, but we're working on a lot of other things that you guys may see out

soon. Joe is doing some commercials and video work, I'm in the studio, and

the other guys are working hard on other Machine Shop Records s

+Megadrive Hi Mike my name is Megan Thanks for so much Great Music! My

question is How long did it take to make the c.d? And I'm starting to Learn

to play Guitar do you have any input on whats best to start out with? (and

just wondering how ya liken Halo2 and do you get to play it as much as you

would like to?)~Rock On~

@mikeLP Lpzgurl - as i mentioned earlier, MTV asked jay, and he called

us...we started talking via email and text message, and i sent dirt off your

shoulder / lying from you and numb / encore. they sounded almost identical

to what you'll hear on the album.

+mely_lp hi mike! After hybrid theory you had remixed songs in

reanimation, now after meteora you do collision course. why do you do

different versions of your songs everytime? All france love you!!!

@mikeLP he loved them--his message back was "OH SH*T!"

@mikeLP Master-X - either save money up to buy it, or play at your

friends' house (if they have one). personally, i would save up...but i'm a

video game fanatic

+moahan i just wanna sya that u guys are doin a great job in the music

industry.i love u guys and all the best.i missed ur concert in

malaysia.anyway,will u guys come to ukraine in your next tour?

@mikeLP Megadrive - before we all got together, i worked on the music for

1-2 months. then we did 4 days: 1 studio, 2 rehearsal, and then the show at

the roxy in hollywood. pretty fast for an album, but we made it work

@mikeLP good luck on your guitar playing...i love halo 2

+Sawmteii Hey Mike, How are you? This is Sawmteii from ""INDIA"" and my

question is: "Is working with Jay-Z going to affect LP's next album

musically?? and i also want to know if you guys have any plans about coming

to India in the near future.... There are sooo many fans who would love to

have you guys play here!!!!! You Guys are the GREATEST....."

@mikeLP mely_lp - hi. after we did reanimation, i knew i didn't want to

repeat ourselves, so i wanted to find another way to re-work the songs that

didn't involve traditional remixing. one criticism i heard about this

project was that it was for the money--that's ridiculous, because with MTV,

def jam, rocafella, machine shop, and warner brothers involved, there are

too many hands in the pot to make any money. we're just doing it be

+Ally Hey Mike. If Collision Course was a person, and you saw him/her/it

walking down the street sporting happy pants and a high silk hat, carrying a

velvet briefcase, walking a dog named Henry, juggling eight fruits of

various shapes, sizes and flavors, and singing, what would you do? Can't

wait for Collision Course by the way, you guys have done great. =)

@mikeLP moahan - thanks. we'll see what happens on the next touring

cycle...i don't know yet

+jean13 Hey Mike.My name is Melissa.Did you ever want to work with Jay-Z

before Collision Course?Can I have a Quote for my site?

@mikeLP Sawmteii - i don't think it will have a huge impact on our next

record--our music is our music; we make what comes naturally to us, without

trying to copy someone else's thing...but as far as being inspired by his

style of working, i was definitely impressed with how comfortable he is in

the vocal booth

+ArielC Hey Mike, I'm Ariel Cahen from Brazil. What do you think about the

show you guys did in Brazil, did you guys like it? I got to hear 2 of the

Collision Course songs and the whole recording process seemed to be so fast.

How could you guys make such a great album so fast? Thanks for everything,

Brazil loves you guys! Ill be a LP fan forever and ever!

@mikeLP Ally - what kind of dog? if it's small, like a chihuahua, i'd buy

him an ice cream and a treat for his dog. if it's a big dog, like a

doberman, i'd wait for him to stop juggling, shake his hand, and paint hiim

from head to toe with gogurt drinkable yogurt.

+CricaBR Hey Mike, Good Night, I a brazilian fan! How was the feeling to

do the show in São Paulo, Brazil, seeing all those people singing your

songs? Brazil is waiting for you guys!!!! =*

@mikeLP jean13 - for sure. i've liked jay's music for a long time, and was

looking for an opportunity to meet him. i wish i could come up with a quote

for you on the spot...howabout someone else's quote: "the key to success is

doing the ordinary things extrordinarily well." - john d rockafeller (i may

be paraphrasing!)

+raTedsGrl meri asked me to ask this: "You obviously get a lot of pressure

from all sorts of fans pretty much all the time. Most of them telling you to

stick to rock music. And when you make things like Collision Course, aren't

you sometimes accused of repeating yourself? is the next album going to be

made how YOU want it to be made?"

+raTedsGrl (p.s. i'd kick your ass on halo 2. :p)

@raTed my bets on jessica

@Foenix Mine too...

@Hannah If you havent asked a question PM raTed and to let him know.

@mikeLP ArielC - thanks, the show was great. The CC album did happen fast,

but there was a lot of planning. i tried to get as much work done as

possible before we all got together in the studio

@mikeLP thanks

@mikeLP CricaBR - the sao paulo show was amazing. the people are awesome

there--very friendly

@mikeLP raTedsGrl / meri - CC IS how we wanted it to be done; so is every

album. we only make music that we want to make...as they say, you can't make

everyone happy. we know that. we just try to do what we think sounds good


@mikeLP NONE

@mikeLP HAHA

@Hannah lmfao

@Foenix No, she'd beat you down...

@Foenix In Halo 2 and a real fight...


@VanWilder lol

+inFL00ent whyis there a dot next to my name?

@Hannah -_-

@Toria you’re voiced ask a question...

@Toria omg

@mikeLP i want to have halo contests on the next tour. we haven't been

able to arrange many, but when we do, they're fun.

+inFL00ent Is working with jay-z any fdifferent that any other


@mikeLP very different. he's a huge star...he would have every right to

come in and be heavy-hended with his opinions. but he was open to ideas, and

it was a very positive studio experience. the guy is fun.

@mikeLP you'll see on nov 30th...

+alisa Hey Mike! Hello from Russia! How are you doin? Well, my question

is, would you like to record a mash single with some female singer and if

yes, then who would you like to do it with? And also, please say hello to

those who couldnt reach this chat today. :) Thanks!!

@mikeLP thanks guys

@mikeLP everyone who leaves can check the chat transcript later.

@Hannah I have to leave soooooooon =(

@Toria Mike, i'd just like it to be know, while ratedsgrl was kicking your

ass at Halo 2 , i'd be kicking her ass ;-)

@Foenix It's halftime in my game...

@mikeLP alisa - russia...cool. i like a number of female vocalists, but

very few female rappers. i guess eve and jean grey are good...i wish lauryn

hill would make a new album

@mikeLP hi people

@mikeLP i want to tell you guys more about the book (from the inside)

@michie131 tell us!

@mikeLP FTI is a compilation of photos and stories from all of the meteora

touring cycle. unbeknownst to you, we had a photographer and writer out on

the road with us for a good deal of the last few years

@mikeLP they documented many of the interesting things that went on...when

we were sent photos, we wrote memories and stories on them--those are in

there. handwritten notes from the band about what was going on

@mikeLP as you know, we like to keep out personal lives to ourselves, but

i think this book is an exceeption we are comfortable with. it will be in

most bookstores...it's best to preorder so you are sure to get a copy

@mikeLP there are pictures of us hanging out in the bus, photos from the

studio and every video shoot

@mikeLP pics of phoenix kicking chester's ass in a towel fight

@Foenix Not sure I want to see that... :|

@mikeLP and tons of stories..remember, meteora was supposed to be the

"sophomore jinx" album

@mikeLP there was a ton of pressure for us to do it right. this book shows

what we did in support of the record

@Hannah If you just arrived please have yuor questions ready !

@mikeLP it's a "coffee table book" meaning a larger, full color book that

feature big photos


WILL NOT RESPOND. no offense, but i can't do it for everyone, so i won't


@mikeLP do we have any more questions?

@VanWilder go back to a hannah

@mikeLP i can only stay for a few minutes longer

@Hannah Ok thanks for staying with us mike.

@Toria twstdHALO definately has a question

@mikeLP ?

@michie131 final questions guys..

+twstdHALO any advice for a graphic design student who has class in 4


+twstdHALO lol\

+pavlov hey mike, you picked me to play Faint on stage during MWT in

toronto, and i want to say thanks alot, it was amazing...i was wondering,

what usually starts the idea for your songs..? do you come up with a melody,

then instrumentals, or maybe a guitar riff first, along with the rest, then

write lyrics and a melody? thanks again, i'll never forget that expereince

on stage with you guys...one day i will tour alongside you. thanks for the


@mikeLP yes: try to get some sleep before the stupid homework cathes up

with you. art school projects are a b**ch

+Heidi Hey Mike, what was the hardest part of making CC? also whats your

favorite part of the FTI book? (everyone from the LPST says hi .... btw you

guys rock)

@mikeLP pavlov - awesome. we all start things differently. i may start

with a guitar or bass line, or it may start with a vocal idea or keyboard

thing. one great way to start a song is with the title. if you come up with

a good title, it gives you a good launching point for lyrics.

@mikeLP thanks

+Anolofy Hey Mike. Do you think that the more albums you make, the better

they get? Or will your debut always be the album which labels your success?

-w ww.anolofy.tk- Nim <b>longlivesweeney</b> xxx P.s. I've seen you guys 10 times

3/3/03 Nottingham LPU gig <3 \m/ Moira says Hi! (I have an art mock exam

in 8 hours)

@Hannah How many more questions are you ready for Mike?

@mikeLP CC - the hardest part was making the music sound like it fit

together. can you imagine breaking the habit with can i get a...? it would

be so hard to do, and would probably suck!

@mikeLP i chose songs that i thought fit together

+shirlmike Hey Mike!! Thanks so much for coming! I saw you guys at PR and

it was incredible. Okay...After having experiences with both rappers and

singers, which do you think you're more likely to collaborate with in the


@mikeLP Anolofy - we just make albums because we like to create. i don't

know which ones are the best ones, we just keep trying to do something

different and better each time. it's not always perfect, but we do our best

@mikeLP thanks

@mikeLP let's do 5 more

@mikeLP questions


@mikeLP shirlmike - thnks. right now i am working more wwith rappers. i

just feel like i'm getting back to my roots - hip hop production is where i

started, and i'm glad to be doing it again. i just worked with Chali 2na,

and i'm doing a number of songs with some friends of mine in a group called

Styles of Beyond. i've known those guys for almost ten years, but just ran

into them recently

+DA_MIZ Hey Mike, Mike LPUr here.......i saw/met u guys at PR on Aug 2nd

at Jones Beach amazing show!!, right now im working on my idea "The Linkin

Park Game'' it should be cool (i was gonna bring a lil demo 4 u guys at the

M&G but the guard wouldnt let me in with the CDs o well maybe next time u

can see it), so yeah i was wondering if you have any thoughts on my video

game like anythin that could help me out with story, levels, enimes, backr

@mikeLP DA_MIZ - you'll have to send info about your game to one of our

mods or jess or naveen...

+Smarky boOm rocka! Hey Mike, I waited 10 hours for this! thank you for

spending some time with us, as a creative (designer) I want to ask if you

have any advice for any young creative people? Is there anything about your

creative process you can share? how do you deal with the pressure and still

be creative? What about deadlines? You are a huge inspiration to me! What

was the process with CC?

@mikeLP i think i should just let you make up the game--it'll be more fun

without our input...

+rob-in I saw you guys back on 1/17 in Worcester - awsom show! I wanted to

know: would you consider releasing a cover song on CD or radio? I've heard

your cover of 'Wish' and the clip of 'Sweet Child O Mine' but they're wicked

good. I keep looking for more covers & haven't found any. Thanks for coming

here :D Good luck on your next album! <3 Hillary

@Hannah 2 more questions after this !

@mikeLP Smarky - creative people...just be open to criticism, but always

weigh it against what you feel strongly about. don't let anyone hold you

back, but keep an eye open for criticism that can better your work

+Artemish If you had any concerns or reservations about going into this

project with Jay-Z, what were they? And just asking you this is an awesome

gift for my 16th

@mikeLP i talked about CC a lot earlier--you'll have to go back and read

the chat transcript!

+eider hi mike! it's eider from spain.congrats for all the awards you won!

hi from steffi and here representing the lpst. here goes the q: do you think

this fusion with jay-z will change your fans minds?btw from the inside book

sounds great and funny let me say!if u need any spanish writter let me know,

haha! www.place4myhead.com

@mikeLP Rob-i - thanks. we probably won't release a cover song any time


@Hannah No more questions.

@raTed what cover song ?

@raTed all us fans curious !

@mikeLP BY THE WAY, THE NEW LPU CD CAME OUT SO GREAT. i think you guys

will really like it. there's a new instrumental song by joe, a new hip hop

track with me and motion man, and a great live cover from this past tour,

not to mention a couple of EXCLUSIVE live tracks that won't be released

anywhere else...

@Foenix I enjoyed hearing one of NIN's "Wish"...

@mikeLP you'll get your CD when you sign up

@raTed in advanced thanks for coming to the chat mike, you guys need to

come more often

@Foenix Yes, thanks very much...And...

@Foenix Mike, could you tell everyone to have a happy Thanksgiving...? :P

To Mike and Toria: raTedsGrl says to prove it... (Concerning Halo 2...)

@mikeLP Artemish - my main concern was to do it without it being cheesy.

it's hard o ride the line between what he does and what we do while staying

true to both of our sstyles, but i think we pulled it off...thanks

@mikeLP eider - thanks. i don't think it will change many people's minds

about what they like, but i know it hhad broadened people's minds about what

we do and are capable of. some people never rrecognized the hip hop in LP

until now, and they go back to our albums and hear it, saying "oh, i guess

it was there all along."

@Hannah And now Hannah goes to pick up cj !

@Hannah Bye Mike have a good rest of the year !

@raTed bye hannah !


@Foenix> Thanks, Mike...


@raTed <-- celebrared it last month

@Foenix <-- Will celebrate it twice this week...

@mikeLP thanks for your support in general, and hope you enjoy the

Collision Course CD/DVD (out on the 30th) and the From The Inside book (out

first week of December).

@raTed i heard the proceds made from the lp shoes will go to some kind of


@raTed if thats true much respect from me for that

@mikeLP i will try to post more often on my blog / journal on

linkinpark.com and LPunderground.com-- see you guys around

@mikeLP BYE

@VanWilder Later dude

@raTed come t ochat more often mike !

@Foenix Bye, Mike...

@raTed please come to chat more often

@raTed the fans miss you here

@VanWilder yeah more unscheduled

• Parts: mikeLP




Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kiköt&#245; felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU